Emergencies can happen at any time, and it is important to be prepared if they do. Lots of stores, including That Fish Place, sell ready-made first aid kits for dogs and cats, but I’ve composed a list of materials you will need in case of medical emergencies. Remember to store all of the listed items in a waterproof plastic container and keep it in a readily accessible place.
Emergency Contacts List
- Pet’s regular vet contact info and address
- Emergency vet contact information, in case your vet is not available or close by
- Poison Control Phone Number
- Clean towels (both cloth and paper)
- Cotton balls and swabs
- Disposable Gloves
- Heat pack or hot water bottle
- Lubricant jelly (mineral oil, KY)
- Nail Clippers
- Kwik-Stop powder or gel
- Hemostats
- Small penlight or flashlight
- Rectal Thermometor
- Scissors
- Syringes of different sizes
- Tweezers
- Wire Cutters
- Bandage Wrap
- Gauze of different sizes
- Band-Aids
- First Aid Tape
- Non-stick pads
- Unflavored Pedialyte
- Saline Solution
- Triple antibiotic ointment for skin
- Probiotic gel (BeneBac, LactoBac, Probios, or Fastrack)
- Wound Disinfectant (Betadine, Povidone)
Remember to keep an eye on the expiration dates of all medicines and supplements and replace these products as needed. It is a good idea to go through your kit every six months to check to see what needs replaced or replenished. Next time I will go over what to do in case of a few common emergencies.
Greetings! Unfortunately, some dog walkers discover a danger, only sadly, when victimized and so I wanted to inform you of StreetZaps, a timely and useful tool intended to reduce the year round risk of injury and fatality from contact voltage. I confer with Con Edison’s Stray Voltage and Public Affairs Units and contribute to Wet Nose Guide and New York Dog Chat. It is my firm wish that That Pet Blog will disseminate this vital public service to preclude more tragedies. Thank you in advance and please stay safe.
Best regards,
Blair Sorrel
One other thing that’s a good idea to keep in a first aid kit would be some extra medication if your pet needs it. My Aussie has epilepsy, so I keep a few days worth of her meds just in case there’s an emergency.
Great advice, thanks for commenting!
What good is a kit if you don’t know how to use it? I recommend people get certified in Pet CPR 1st Aid
This is amazing advice!It really helps,I know being a fellow dog lover!I also love the follow-up!!!!!!!!!!!1